Habitat Bingo

Habitat Bingo

Fri, May 22, 2020 7:11 PM for
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Bingo Words

Words Definitions
Sandy Soils dominated by particle sizes 0.05 to 2.0 mm.
Swamp A forested wetland.
Creek A small stream that might occasionally dry out.
Hammock A local word for temperate forests dominated by trees that produce flowers.
Mesic A habitat with a medium amount of moisture.
Scrub A Florida community type dominated by shrubs and short trees found on sand ridges.
Open Often a reference to the density of the tree canopy.
Peaty Soil that includes a significant amount of Sphagnum moss.
Floodplain A plain adjacent to a river that is subject to seasonal flooding.
Woods A forest.
Pond A small body of water without perceptible flow.
Lake A large body of water without perceptible flow.
Roadside A habitat that is likely kept open by mowing.
Shaded A portion of the landscape under a tree or shrub canopy.
Flatwoods A Florida community type with an open overstory of pines and a characteristics shrub understory.
Disturbed A habitat that is occasionally disrupted by events that affect the growth, survival, and reproduction of resident organisms.
Wet A habitat with a large amount of moisture.
Bog Wetland involving sphagnum moss in the soil.
River A large flowing watercourse.
Ditch A constructed depression in the landscape that may occasionally hold water.
Forest A community type that includes trees at a density that produces a relatively continuous canopy.
Edge The boundary of a forest or other community type that typically involves more light arriving at the ground.
Loamy Soil that has a relatively even mix of small, medium, and large particle sizes
Dry A habitat with little moisture.
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