Featured BIOSPEX Project
Plants of the Columbus State University Herbarium

Plants of the Columbus State University Herbarium logo


Richard Carter


Valdosta State University


SERNEC, Columbus State University Herbarium, Valdosta State University Herbarium, University of Georgia Herbarium

Funding Source

National Science Foundation under award 1410081. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.


Transcription of specimen label data from the Georgia's Columbus State University Herbarium

We've taken digital photos of all 7258 vascular plant specimens in the collection and now we need your help to figure out the what, where, when, etc., of the collection events that they represent.  Columbus State University's Herbarium is located about two hours southeast of Atlanta, just across the Chattahoochee River from Alabama.  It was founded in 1961 but may contain specimens that are much older.  Help us uncover the treasurers of this small herbarium and watch as the distribution map on BIOSPEX grows.  How many Georgia counties, US states, and other countries are represented in the collection?  We'll find out with your help! 

Geographic Scope

Georgia and southeastern United States

Taxonomic Scope

Vascular Plants


2 Expeditions 15051 Digitizations 314 Participants

Title Date

No Expeditions exist.

Title Date
Card image cap

Treasures of a Small Georgia Herbarium I

Transcribe historical label data from Columbus State University Herbarium

  • 7506 Digitizations
  • 162 Participants
  • 100% Completed

Card image cap

Treasures of a Small Georgia Herbarium II

Transcribe historical label data from Columbus State University Herbarium

  • 7527 Digitizations
  • 180 Participants
  • 100% Completed


Title Date

No Events exist.

Title Date

No Events exist.


Heat Map Digitized Specimens

FSU iDigInfo iDigBio National Science Foundation