Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission (ANHC)
Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission Herbarium (ANHC), Arkansas State University Herbarium (STAR), Arkansas Tech University Herbarium (APCR), Henderson State University Herbarium (HEND), Hendrix College Herbarium (HXC), University of Arkansas Herbarium (UARK), University of Arkansas at Monticello Herbarium (UAM), University of Central Arkansas Herbarium (UCAC), Arkansas Native Plant Society, Arkansas Master Gardeners, Arkansas Master Naturalists
Releasing 150 years of accumulated biodiversity knowledge in the Natural State.
Plants of Arkansas is a data-generating collaboration between professional botanists, amateur naturalists, gardeners, educators, students, and citizen scientists. The goal of the project is to make available to the research community and the public the natural history record of Arkansas plant specimens. It is from these specimens, maintained in herbaria, that we can know what plant species grow in Arkansas and where they can be found. From this accumulated knowledge we can answer scientific questions on topics of taxonomy, systematics, biogeography, biodiversity, species invasions, climate change, and conservation. Until now, the specimens and data they contain have been difficult to access due to the protocols necessary to ensure long-term preservation and utility of scientific research-grade natural history collections. Now, with advances in digital technology, specimen images and data can be made available to a wide variety of science and non-science users. Images of Plants of Arkansas are being added to the public data portal every day. The Plants of Arkansas project is designed to engage students and citizen science volunteers to release the data associated with these specimen images to transform biological research and biodiversity conservation in the digital age. Arkansas is a diverse state with more than 2,700 species of vascular plants that are native or naturalized. With its six major natural divisions, the landscape is also diverse. Keeping the Natural State natural requires a sophisticated understanding of its species and where they live.
State of Arkansas
Vascular Plants
1800s - present