Featured BIOSPEX Project
Botany with an edge: all about sedges

Botany with an edge: all about sedges logo


Jordan Metzgar


Virginia Tech Massey Herbarium


The Southeastern Regional Network of Expertise and Collections

Funding Source

National Science Foundation under award 1410069. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.


"Sedges have edges" is a helpful mantra in plant ID to spot this tricky group. Try learning Virginia's sedge diversity with this expedition!

"Sedges have edges; rushes are round; grasses are hollow right up from the ground" is a familiar saying to separate the three graminoid families. LEarning the diversity of form within one of these groups is much more daunting. This expedition will focus on all the genera of sedges found in Virginia. Help the VT Massey Herbarium transcribe their specimen data while practicing ID skills for this tricky but common group of plants! Banner and logo images cropped and downsized from Tom Potterfield's photographs (http://bit.ly/2Py1GPI).

Geographic Scope


Taxonomic Scope


Temporal Scope


Language Skills Required



1 Expeditions 13272 Digitizations 175 Participants

Title Date

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Card image cap

Botany with an edge: all about sedges

"Sedges have edges" is a helpful mantra in plant ID to spot this tricky group. Try learning Virginia's sedge diversity with this expedition!

  • 13269 Digitizations
  • 0 Participants
  • 100% Completed


Title Date

No Events exist.

Title Date

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Heat Map Digitized Specimens

FSU iDigInfo iDigBio National Science Foundation