Featured BIOSPEX Project
BOON Herbarium: Plants of Southeastern USA

BOON Herbarium: Plants of Southeastern USA logo


Zack Murrell




The Southeastern Regional Network of Expertise and Collections

Funding Source


Herbaria full of information but few have access to what's hidden within. Help us move into the digital world & uncover herbaria wonders.

The purpose of a herbarium is to preserve specimens and store specimen data. These records are intended to be a useful tool in teaching and/or research for students, instructors, and researchers. It is great for those that have access to the herbarium, but what about those who cannot as easily walk into the herbarium and retrieve their desired information? At Appalachian State University, the BOON herbarium contains approximately 29,000 specimens with more being added on a regular basis. BOON herbarium is one of 233 other herbaria working towards creating a digital database through a project called SERNEC. The goal is to have all herbaria collections digitized and we need your help to achieve this goal! Transforming the BOON herbarium into a digital database is one step in allowing people anywhere in the world to have access to the botanical information they need.


Geographic Scope

Taxonomic Scope

Temporal Scope

Language Skills Required



3 Expeditions 5233 Digitizations 160 Participants

Title Date

No Expeditions exist.

Title Date
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Plants have all the anthers! Pt1

In this expedition we will be looking at Asteraceae and Asclepiadoideae.

  • 2350 Digitizations
  • 85 Participants
  • 100% Completed

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Plants have all the anthers: FERNTASIA!

Transcribe BOON Herbarium fern collection along with some of our smaller family collections. We promise a sporrific time!

  • 2827 Digitizations
  • 83 Participants
  • 100% Completed


Title Date

No Events exist.

Title Date

No Events exist.


Heat Map Digitized Specimens

FSU iDigInfo iDigBio National Science Foundation